We have our nice 'charmful'  bowling center at all times. We have got some sweet updates coming up and they are:
- Bug fixes,
- Light releases
- Bumper releases
- New Game Pass system releases (next to the meeting room)

We have got our lovely visitors coming in to our center every 2 days at the time, that earns me 10 tix per visit.

The Assessment Test is still up and running till the next two weeks, we will be taking our system down for the next 1 or 2 months with new easy and hard questions - why don't you visit the page now on: www.testlibertylanes.webs.com/, make sure you don't miss it or you will NOT be on the waiting list to be a staff OR being a staff.

Back to our Dynamic Lighting Release - Our project of the release has been up for one day, some of the place visitors have told me saying 'I like the new Dynamic Lighting at your place, it's looking sweet!' .

Here is the preview of our center is looking right now...